During this time of anxiety and uncertainty, one thing's for sure: We are thinking about y'all. As we navigate this current health crisis together, we want to let you know that Hotville Chicken continues to prioritize the safety and well-being of our crew members "Cousins", their families, and you - our customers = "kinflok".
Nashville Hot Chicken is a dish that has always brought kinfolk together. Now, on the backside, some might say, would encourage "social distancing!" All jokes aside, we value the role we play in helping you express, connect and celebrate with the important people in your life. While we may be practicing social distancing, staying healthy means not falling into an unhealthy patterns of social isolation. Taking care of our emotional well-being, prioritizing self-care and staying engaged with the important people in your life are among the most critical things y'all can do right now.
Whether you are working remotely, taking care of children home from school, enduring quarantine, caring for an elderly person, or simply being cautious, here are just a few ways you might consider connecting with friends, family, co-workers, and others in the days and weeks ahead:
• Video chat versus texting - seeing your face will bring a big smile
• Send a complimentary e-card - “Hey Y'all!"
• Make a list of 10 people you’ve been meaning to call and actually call 'em. Say, "Hey! Jus' checkin' on y'all." Then challenge them to do the same.
• Write a letter, put a stamp on it, and lick that envelope. Don't forget to drop it in the mail. We promise the recipient will appreciate it dearly.
COVID-19 gets no glory from us. Let's use this time to connect and care for each other. We just want y'all to know that we care about y'all and that all of us at Hotville Chicken have you in mind.
Baptizing the Bird,
Kim Prince & Greg Dulan